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What is it?

Image by Alexandra Gorn

Do you find it difficult to control your worry about the future? Do you find yourself asking, "What if" this or "what if" that? Do you feel nervous, agitated, or fearful regularly? Do you have muscle tension, fatigue, heart palpitations or abdominal distress? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you may be experiencing anxiety. 


Whether or not you meet criteria for an Anxiety Disorder, you have likely experienced symptoms of anxiety throughout your life. Anxiety is common, but can be debilitating for those who experience intense symptoms on a daily basis.


What does anxiety feel like?

Anxiety can be experienced in a number of ways. Some report a generalized sense of anxiety or uncomfortability most of the time. Others experience more fleeting, but highly intense episodes of anxiety or panic. Anxiety can cause restlessness or feeling on edge, irritability, difficulty with sleep or feeling fatigued. Anxiety can also include physical symptoms such as increased heart-rate, sweating, tremors, or nausea.  

Image by niklas_hamann

How do I know if anxiety is a problem for me?

Anxiety is a problem if it occurs frequently, causes distress, and impairs multiple areas of your life. If you feel anxious most days, have trouble controlling your anxiety, and struggle to find relief from symptoms, it is time to ask for help. Anxiety might be starting to impact your self-worth and confidence, relationships with others, career, and other important areas of life. Anxiety can feel overwhelming, like it's taking over and you need relief fast. This is when individuals turn to maladaptive coping behaviors such as substance abuse, self-sabotage, people pleasing, and many others.  

Treating Anxiety

Image by Dingzeyu Li

I use a mix of therapeutic models when helping individuals reduce their symptoms of anxiety. Through the counseling process, I will help you understand your anxiety symptoms, where they came from, and how anxiety impacts your life. Using cognitive-behavioral techniques, we will identify irrational thought patterns, self-defeating beliefs, and maladaptive behavioral patterns, all of which contribute to feeling anxious. Alternative treatment methods include coping skills training, deep breathing, and mindfulness exercises, which will help decrease your anxiety symptoms for the long run. It is possible to overcome your symptoms of anxiety and to live a life where anxiety no longer holds you back from reaching your goals. 

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